Happily Ever AFTER

by Tonya Sheridan

Our ultimate desire, no matter what our goals are, is to be happy. Each and every one of us is unique, with different interests, talents, passions and dreams, but the one thing we all have in common is the wish to be happy.

Life is a journey and is ever changing. We need to enjoy each moment, each day and not put off happiness until some future date. To wait until we meet the right person, have financial success or any other desire, to be happy is a sad way to spend our lives. It’s also sad when we put off what we say we want in our lives until AFTER. Unfortunately, AFTER never comes. I once had a client tell me that if he knew he was going to live this long he would have taken better care of himself. He was very athletic when he was young, then he got married, had a family and built a very successful business but now his health was suffering to the point that it affected his everyday life. Fortunately he had no serious illness but was facing a large number of health challenges including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle aches and pains, fatigue etc. …things that are easily managed with proper nutrition, exercise and good Lifestyle habits but were now going to take some time and considerable effort to get back into balance. He regretted having continuously putting his health off for years by never exercising or watching what he ate. It was always “AFTER”…AFTER he got married, AFTER the business took off, AFTER the kids got a little older, AFTER the holidays, AFTER they are off to college, etc… .

Whether you want to lose weight, get in shape, get your degree, start a new business or enhance your life in any other way, you cannot wait until AFTER… AFTER the summer, then the excuse is AFTER the kids get back to school, then it’s “not now…I want to wait until AFTER the holidays”, then AFTER spring vacation. All of these things are part of Life and you can’t work around them, you have to learn to work toward your dreams and goals along with them. This is how successful people come to be where they are at today. They know that AFTER is an excuse and if they waited until AFTER they would be in the same place today as they were ten years ago.

What do you desire and what do you want to accomplish in the next year? What are your “AFTERS”?

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach

Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC


Copyright 2011 Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content







8 Things NOT to Do if You Want Positive Change

My latest article published today in MindBodyGreen online magazine. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-3214/8-Things-NOT-to-Do-if-You-Want-Positive-Change.html

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach

Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC





Join me on Monday, October 3rd at 1pm on Internet Radio

I am excited to announce that I will be a Guest Host on Beauty & Body Guide Radio Show on Internet Radio Station W4CY this coming Monday, October 3rd at 1pm…This is Internet Radio so you can tune in from anywhere just by clicking on this link! http://w4cy.com/BBGPalmBeach/

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach

Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC


Lifestyle & Longevity Dream Builder Workshop

I will be hosting a two-hour Lifestyle & Longevity Dream Builder Workshop in West Palm Beach, Florida on October 29, 2011. There are only 8 spaces available, don’t miss it!

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach


Clarify Your Goals

Clarify Your Goals.

Clarify Your Goals

by Tonya Sheridan

 In last weeks blog I talked about the power of goal setting. This week I want to take it a step further and explain the importance of defining your goals. In order to actually accomplish a goal, you have to be specific about what it is that you want. You also have to be living authentically to make sure that the goal you have set is what you really want in your life, not what you think you should be doing or what someone else wants. When you are working toward a goal that is not YOUR goal, there won’t be any passion and energy to overcome the inevitable obstacles that will come up along the way. It will also begin to slowly drain you of your life energy that you could be using to pursue what you truly value.

 If you are saying “I don’t know what I want”, I say “yes you do!”. Everyone has unique skills, talents and passions in life…Everyone! It’s only a matter of getting back in touch with what energizes and excites you. You may have to take some time and do some soul searching first. This will allow you to define your life purpose before you start setting “wishy-washy” goals. If you need help with this, working with a Life Coach is one of the best and fastest ways to define your life purpose.

 There are questions you can ask yourself to help clarify your goals. For example, if you say “I want a relationship”… well, what kind of relationship? Being authentic is being honest with yourself, exactly what kind of a relationship do you want? Do you want marriage? What kind of Lifestyle do you want to have with your partner? What type of interests do you share? You have to know what you want deep down. Do you want more friends? You don’t want to just collect a bunch of friends, do you? What kind of friends do you want? What are their personality traits? What are their values? If you say you want to be healthy, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you want to lose weight, have more energy, prevent disease or have a trim, toned body? These are only a few examples of the type of questions you should be asking yourself.

 When you become clear on what you really want, not only will you save time, money and energy, you will have more passion in your life. Value yourself enough to take the time to find out what it is you that you really want in your life.

  •  Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Art of Life Coaching

by Tonya Sheridan

Read my article published in MindBodyGreen for more information on Life Coaching.

Life Coaching is not only a profession, it is an Art Form. It has emerged in recent years as a powerful way that people get help, providing them with … http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-3044/The-Art-of-Life-Coaching-6-Tips-for-Choosing-a-Coach.html

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach


  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Is It Time to Abandon Your Web?

by Tonya Sheridan

As a form of ‘nature therapy’, I will sometimes take my camera and spend the entire day outdoors in a natural setting to see what I discover. One particular day, in an area that I had been to many times before, there were an unusually high amount of spider webs. They were everywhere I looked, each unique and in all different shapes and sizes, some even spanned from tree to tree. I was also able to watch some of the spiders in the process of building and repairing their webs. I thought about  how alive and beautiful these intricate webs were compared to the ugliness of old, dusty cobwebs. 

 I realized that the main difference between a spider web and a cobweb is that spider webs are still in use, while cobwebs are webs that spiders have abandoned. The web is no longer useful to the spider so it goes on to create a new web. There are several reasons why a spider abandons its web, the main one being that the web has lost its stickiness or strength so it is no longer useful for catching prey. Other reasons might be that it was built in an area where there is poor hunting or it’s being constantly disturbed.  Whatever the reason may be, the spider has the instinctual knowledge that it is time to move on.

Unlike spiders, as people we often stay in the ‘web’ we have created even when it is no longer serving us. We may be unhappy in one or more areas of our life and even though we know we need to make a change, we stay where it’s comfortable. This could be in the area of our work, a relationship, or maybe it’s something we have always wanted to do or a place we’ve  wanted to live. Sometimes we simply need to repair an area of the web, while other times it may suit us better to spin a new one. This does not mean that what we previously created was not beautiful or useful, it’s just that it may have already served its purpose in our life.

Here are 8 signs that it may be time to weave a new web.

1. You no longer look forward to each new day.

2. Things that used to excite you no longer interest you.

3. You are envious of other peoples accomplishments.

4. You have unexplained fatigue.

5. You feel  a constant restlessness or yearning to be doing something different.

6. You are unfulfilled by your work.

7. You’re neglecting the important things and people in your life.

8. Someone says something or you hear something that sparks a creative idea or newfound interest.

Change can be painful, and we often feel like we are giving up something we spent much of our life energy creating. Pay attention to signs that it may be time to create something else that is beautiful and know that nothing lasts forever. When you are able to let go, you will find new possibilities, have fun adventures and  new people will enter into your life who will help you on your way.

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach


  •  Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Forgotten Trait of Self-Respect

Read my article posted today in MindBodyGreen about self-respect and the ten characteristics of people who have it.

Here’s the link http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-2800/The-Forgotten-Trait-of-SelfRespect.html

Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach


  Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content

8 Ways Pilates Improves Your Sex Life

Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach


My article posted in MindBodyGreen on how Pilates can benefit your sex life.


  •  Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.