Energy for Lifestyle & Longevity Part 6

Written by Tonya Sheridan

 This is the last part of my Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity series. In order to have energy to live the life of your dreams, these three things… paying attention, being authentic, and seeking help when needed, are necessary.

 Pay attention. When you start to get off balance you need to listen to your body. There are naturally going to be times in your life where you are working more than others, studying more or taking care of others. Life goes in cycles, so it is not really possible to have equal amounts of time devoted to work, relationships, children and other interests. The balance I am talking about is internally, the kind that you get from doing the steps I mentioned in my previous blogs in this series.

 Be Authentic. If you are always trying to fit in and act like someone you are not, you are going to be draining your own energy. Pretending to be someone you’re not in order to obtain friendship, a relationship or anything else in life will end up backfiring. You can only pretend so long and you can’t be all things to all people. Instead, spend time with the people who like you just the way you are. There is beauty in your vulnerability and imperfection.

 Seek help. There are times when we all need some help in life and it is a sign of strength and courage to seek it out. If you are still stressed out and lack energy after addressing all of the things I mentioned in my earlier blogs, you may need some outside help or guidance. If you have no energy, you may want to see your family doctor. You could have a thyroid imbalance or other health challenge. If you are overwhelmed and can’t seem to deal with the stress, seek the help of a therapist or other professional. If you need help defining your goals, being held accountable and achieving healthy Lifestyle habits, then hire a Lifestyle Coach.

 Life is wonderful and it’s even better when you have the energy to really enjoy it!

 Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach

 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity

  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

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