Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #1 Stop the Leaks

Written by Tonya Sheridan

This is the first in a series of six blogs that address the issue of your energy level, how to maintain it and how to increase it. How alive you feel, how clearly you think, your decision making ability, your health and the passion to go for your dreams, all depends on your energy level. If you are just going through the motions and find it hard to just get through the day or have reached the point of complete burnout, then following the Lifestyle coaching tips in this series is going to help get you back on your feet so you can start really living!

As I am not able to reach each one of you on a personal level as to pinpoint the specific energy zappers in your life, I am going to be speaking in more general terms. Hopefully you can identify the specific energy zappers that are affecting your life so that you can address each one and move forward. I highly recommend keeping a small journal or notebook as you go through this series. The act of writing or journaling will bring things to your awareness that you may not have thought of before and will help you to keep on the right track. Keep this with you throughout the day, in your briefcase, purse or automobile. You may even want to attach, on the front of the journal/notebook, a picture of something that motivates you or makes you smile.

 In order to reach your optimum energy level, first you must stop the leaks immediately. A tire is not going to inflate if you are pumping air into it and it is leaking out somewhere else. Exercise, sleep and nutrition only go so far if you are not addressing other areas in your life. In my Lifestyle Coaching sessions I work with my clients to identify their specific leaks and then we devise a plan of action to reduce and eliminate those leaks.Sometimes they don’t know where the leaks are, other times clients are aware of them but have so many that they are overwhelmed and do not know where to begin.

 The first step, while you are restoring and gaining your energy back, is to not take on any new commitments or responsibilities that you can avoid. You are not going to be able to evade all new commitments as you have to live in the real world, but if you are used to saying ‘yes’ instead of  ‘no’ to non-essential things that can be handled by someone else or because you feel pressured or guilty, you have to change this debilitating habit. If you really want to LIVE, this step is necessary. For some people this step can be difficult. Practice saying ‘no’ in front of a mirror if you have to.  If you often feel caught on the spot and feel pressure to explain, then have responses ready and memorized, such as “I would like to, but I am not able to take on any new commitments at this time.” If it is something you would like to do, ask the person if you can do it at a later date instead. Now think of some responses to different situations and write them in your notebook. When you stand up for yourself and say ‘no’ to new commitments and responsibilities, make a note of it in your notebook. Pat yourself on the back for standing up for yourself!

 Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach


Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity, LLC!/fbTonyaSheridanLL

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