Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #3 Organization

Written by Tonya Sheridan

 If you read my last two weekly blogs about how to increase your energy level and you implemented the Lifestyle Coaching tips I gave you, Congratulations! You are off to a great start! You have already taken two extremely important steps by not taking on anymore unnecessary responsibilities and you identified your energy leaks! Are you ready for step three?

Now, I know the word ‘organization’ sounds very dull and boring to some of you, but it is a must if you want to have increased energy. Get creative and find ways to take some of these ‘boring’ tasks and make them more enjoyable. When you take time to get organized, you’re going to have more energy, more freedom and more time to do the things that you enjoy. In order to do this, you have to look at every area of your life.

Some people are very organized in certain areas of their life and not in others. This goes back to the procrastination issue we talked about last week. We tend to do the things we enjoy the most and then continue neglecting other areas. For example, your house may be spotless but your paperwork and office area are a disaster. Take your journal or notebook and make three columns, one for the areas of your life where you are organized (one example would be a daily exercise routine), another for areas that are not too bad but could use improvement (ex: desk/office area) and the last column for areas that are totally out of control (ex: nutrition and eating habits). Putting this in writing is very important, because the areas that need the most attention are the ones that are zapping the most amount of your energy…whether you realize it or not.

Now that you have completed your columns, begin with the last column and choose the area of your life that is the most unorganized and out of control. Start this week to immediately address that area. If you have to, break it down into baby steps. You may want to ask a good friend or family member for assistance or hire a professional if you can. Whether it’s having your home sparkling clean and closets organized or getting your finances in order by setting up a budget and working with a financial advisor, you are going to feel so much relief that you won’t realize how much it weighed on you until after it’s completed.

Once you have tackled the most difficult area, go to the next area that needs the most organization and so on. It will begin to get easier and easier because you addressed the most challenging areas first. You are going to feel such a sense of relief and will have renewed energy!

Don’t proscrastinate! Go get your journal or notebook and start today!

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC
  • Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle &  Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


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