The Power of Goal Setting

by Tonya Sheridan

If you want things to be different in your life, you must set goals. This enables you to make better and quicker decisions. You are able to decide whether you really want particular things in your life. No matter how tempting they may be, if they alter where you want to go then they are not for you. This saves you time, money, energy and makes life much simpler.

When most people think of setting goals, they think of New Year’s Eve and associate them with disappointment because they failed to follow through on the goals they set. The reason they failed is they did not follow through due to lack of support or it was never their goal to begin with, it was based on what they thought others wanted or they were not in touch with their true passion in life. Others see goal setting as a tedious chore or something that takes away from their personal freedom. In reality, setting goals will actually give you more personal freedom. The ultimate freedom is being your authentic self, living your life with passion and having financial freedom.

Change your perception of goal setting and your entire life will change. Begin associating goal setting with personal freedom, happiness, physical health, healthy relationships and longevity. Write down the areas of your life that feel out of control – work, finances, weight, health, home, relationships, family, friends and hobbies. Writing them down and getting them all out of your head and onto a piece of paper is the first step toward gaining control over your own life. Next write down who can help your reach your goals in each of the identified areas. We all need a support system, whether it’s a trusted friend, family member, a Life Coach, Personal Trainer or Financial Planner. Without them we will just be floundering about with no clear direction. Being honest with yourself is crucial to your success. We can’t be experts on everything and we are all self-motivated in some areas but not others. For example, if you have tried working out on your own or taken classes but never stuck to an exercise program in the past, then hire a Personal Trainer. Success is knowing your weaknesses as well as your strengths.  The longterm savings in health costs and the quality of your life well outweigh the cost. If you need support in identifying your life’s passion, getting your life in balance or want someone to guide you and hold you accountable in reaching your goals, then hire a Life Coach. If you feel that you cannot afford to hire a professional, then take a hard, honest look at where you spend your money. If you spend $100 or more every weekend on alcohol and dining out, wouldn’t that money be better spent on building the life of your dreams?

Visualize yourself living the life of your dreams…see it…feel it. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Are you going to do what is necessary to make it happen?

Tonya Sheridan

Life Coach

  •  Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle &Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity, LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Energy for Lifestyle & Longevity #5 Health Insurance

Written by Tonya Sheridan

Step five for having more energy in your life is to have Health Insurance. No, I am not talking about the kind of insurance where you pay atrocious amounts of money every month to a company whose main interest is the profits of it’s shareholders and then you have to beg, plea and sometimes have to take legal action to have them pay if you actually become sick. I am talking about building your energy stores so that you have “reserve” on hand for when life becomes hectic. It’s about being proactive.

 When you are so stressed out and depleted or just barely holding it together, it’s much more difficult to handle a crisis when it comes up. Things seem much worse than what they are and then it’s difficult to get a good perspective on the situation. Without a clear view, you can actually make things worse instead of better.

 So, how do you create your own Health Insurance? You have to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We have touched on the physical part in previous weeks with nutrition and exercise, the mental and emotional parts by reducing stress caused by unnecessary worry, procrastination and energy drainers. Although all of these things are important, the most important part of Health Insurance is the spiritual. By using either visualization, meditation, prayer or a combination of the three you will be innoculating yourself with Joy. When you practice these methods on a daily basis you will be astonished at how much joy you will experience from the inner spiritual change that will occur. There is being alive and then there is being spiritually alive, realizing we are a soul housed inside a physical body. Nurturing your spirituality is where the biggest change will occur in your energy, your health and the quality of your Life!

 I was very blessed to have been raised with two very spiritual women in my life who taught me that real happiness comes from inside…my Grandmothers.  One of my grandmothers, who was diagnosed with cancer when she was in her 50’s, lived to be 92yrs old. She was very spiritual and she attributed her recovery to prayer and visualization. She had a positive attitude, inner strength and one of the many life lessons she taught me in life was to focus on spirituality. This is where her strength came from. The last time I saw her, a few months before she passed away, she told me that one of the lessons she lived by was “never make money your God”, that is where people go wrong in their life.

 My other Grandmother makes me smile when I think about her, I still feel her around me to this day. She grew up in poverty, had 9 children and a very hard life, but you would never had known it if you met her. She always had a smile on her face, a great sense of humor and loved to sing and dance around the house. She taught me about Joy and that true Joy came from the spirit.  Generous to a fault, if she had one dollar left and someone needed it, she would give it to them. Up until the day she died, when she was in her 80’s, she had the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen. Unlike some people who lose the light in their eyes as they get older, hers actually got brighter. Even as her body declined, her soul stayed bright.

One more thing to about my Grandmothers…both of them lost children, one of them lost a son and the other two sons…my father and two of my uncles. No parent should have to bury their own children. Despite their loss they carried on with life, and not just going through the motions either, they really Lived. If it were not for their spirituality, they would have lived in depression and suffered physical illness due to the depression.

 Spend time each day for visualization, meditation and prayer. You don’t need a lot of time, even just 15 minutes a day is good. Take this time for yourself every single day and you will receive back a hundred times that in Life energy. Now that’s Health Insurance!

 Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach

 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity


  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity, LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #3 Organization

Written by Tonya Sheridan

 If you read my last two weekly blogs about how to increase your energy level and you implemented the Lifestyle Coaching tips I gave you, Congratulations! You are off to a great start! You have already taken two extremely important steps by not taking on anymore unnecessary responsibilities and you identified your energy leaks! Are you ready for step three?

Now, I know the word ‘organization’ sounds very dull and boring to some of you, but it is a must if you want to have increased energy. Get creative and find ways to take some of these ‘boring’ tasks and make them more enjoyable. When you take time to get organized, you’re going to have more energy, more freedom and more time to do the things that you enjoy. In order to do this, you have to look at every area of your life.

Some people are very organized in certain areas of their life and not in others. This goes back to the procrastination issue we talked about last week. We tend to do the things we enjoy the most and then continue neglecting other areas. For example, your house may be spotless but your paperwork and office area are a disaster. Take your journal or notebook and make three columns, one for the areas of your life where you are organized (one example would be a daily exercise routine), another for areas that are not too bad but could use improvement (ex: desk/office area) and the last column for areas that are totally out of control (ex: nutrition and eating habits). Putting this in writing is very important, because the areas that need the most attention are the ones that are zapping the most amount of your energy…whether you realize it or not.

Now that you have completed your columns, begin with the last column and choose the area of your life that is the most unorganized and out of control. Start this week to immediately address that area. If you have to, break it down into baby steps. You may want to ask a good friend or family member for assistance or hire a professional if you can. Whether it’s having your home sparkling clean and closets organized or getting your finances in order by setting up a budget and working with a financial advisor, you are going to feel so much relief that you won’t realize how much it weighed on you until after it’s completed.

Once you have tackled the most difficult area, go to the next area that needs the most organization and so on. It will begin to get easier and easier because you addressed the most challenging areas first. You are going to feel such a sense of relief and will have renewed energy!

Don’t proscrastinate! Go get your journal or notebook and start today!

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC
  • Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle &  Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


The Key to Lifestyle Change

Written by Tonya Sheridan

The key to changing your Lifestyle is FUN. Whether you are trying to get toned up, lose weight, start dating or change your career, you need to make it joyful! Find ways to incorporate fun, play, and pleasure into your Lifestyle change program. In order to succeed, you have to change your perspective. Fun and laughter play a huge role in creating change. Not only are you releasing positive endorphins but you will attract more positive people and things into your life.

Without Fun,  Lifestyle change becomes like bootcamp. A negative attitude will make change much more difficult than it has to be. Dieting, exercising, studying, job searching, dating, etc. become like torture. Just like the line from Mary Poppins “a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down”, the same goes for your goals. Incorporate some fun into your routine. I even use this method when helping my daughter with studying. If she is really stuck or frustrated with something, we turn it into a game. I help her come up with some really funny rhymes that help make the material stick or create humor out of a situation. Once she starts laughing, she is able to let go of the frustration and can think much clearer. When you relate the material with humor, you actually remember it better.

Often times, when we get in a rut, we completely forget about what makes us feel better. What brings you joy or makes you laugh…a Monty Python movie, a great book, spending time with a fun friend, going out dancing or bowling? Write them down  in a small notebook or on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere handy where you can look at it when you are in need of an emotional “lift”.  Try to incorporate these things into your life on a regular basis rather than waiting until you are depleted or frustrated.

copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

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Wisdom Versus Knowledge

Written by Tonya Sheridan

Over the years I have studied many different types of natural healing methods and tried different ways of eating… Raw Foods, Juice fasts, Vegan, Vegetarian, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Mediterranean style eating, etc. . What I have learned from my experience is to listen to my body, use my own wisdom, trust my own instincts  and take the best from everything. It’s important to strive for balance, your main focus in life should not be about what you eat. Although I gained alot of knowledge, I was very turned off by the extremists who would only eat a certain way and actually knew some people who went as far as to say they would not associate with non-Raw foodists or non-vegetarians (including their own family sometimes!).

There is knowledge and then there is wisdom, YOUR WISDOM. Trust your own instincts, remember that no matter how much of an “expert” someone is in their field, no one is a better expert on what is right for you than you are. Trust your own instincts, listen to your body and beware of those who try to pressure you into eating, dieting, exercising or living your life their way or “experts” in the healing field who try to make you dependent on their services. You do not have to eat or drink their man made product that costs $50 a jar or bottle to be healthy, that’s what nature created fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains for! You do not need to pay $5 a bottle for oxygenated water…the last I knew oxygen is free.  A true healer and professional will guide you to be independent and not dependent. They will share their knowledge with you, guide you and teach you what they know so that you may live the beautiful life that you deserve.

copyright 2011Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

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Feed Your Soul

Written by Tonya Sheridan

What are you feeding your soul? Although important, health is not just about exercising and what you eat. What makes you truly happy? Have you ever stopped to think what things in life bring you joy? Often, we get so caught up in other people’s desires for us, we forget what makes us happy.

Take some quiet time this week to sit down and write down all of the things that make you feel truly happy and energized. Think back to when your were young, what was fun and what made you laugh? When you are happy you digest your food better, your hormones balance out and your immune system is strengthened. 

Do the things that make you happy and refuse what doesn’t suit you… whether it’s the latest “fashion” trend, an event or party you don’t want to attend, the latest movie “everyone” has got to see…if you don’t want to wear it, attend it or see it…DON’T and you do not have to give excuses! Seriously think about how much time you spend doing things you really don’t enjoy just because you think you should or you feel pressured by others. When you do things out of joy, you will be feeding your soul.

If you are unable to figure out what makes you happy anymore and/or you are not able to say no to others, you would benefit from the guidance of a Lifestyle Coach. You only have one life, make it count!

copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle Coach

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An Authentic Life

Written by Tonya Sheridan

If you want true happiness, you need to start building a custom-made life…an Authentic Life. Shut out all of the opinions and beliefs of others and start getting in touch with what it is that you really want. What makes you happy, brings you joy and inspires you?

We live in a society where we are constantly being pressured about how we should live our lives, how we should look, what kind of car we should be driving and the list goes on. Even well meaning friends and family try to tell us how to live our life. Next time ask yourself, “Am I doing this because I really want to or because someone else wants me to?”.  This simple question will begin to get you in touch with what is really important to you. Stay true to yourself, your dreams and your goals, then you will always be on the right path… even if it takes you off the beaten path.

copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

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