Energy for Lifestyle & Longevity Part 6

Written by Tonya Sheridan

 This is the last part of my Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity series. In order to have energy to live the life of your dreams, these three things… paying attention, being authentic, and seeking help when needed, are necessary.

 Pay attention. When you start to get off balance you need to listen to your body. There are naturally going to be times in your life where you are working more than others, studying more or taking care of others. Life goes in cycles, so it is not really possible to have equal amounts of time devoted to work, relationships, children and other interests. The balance I am talking about is internally, the kind that you get from doing the steps I mentioned in my previous blogs in this series.

 Be Authentic. If you are always trying to fit in and act like someone you are not, you are going to be draining your own energy. Pretending to be someone you’re not in order to obtain friendship, a relationship or anything else in life will end up backfiring. You can only pretend so long and you can’t be all things to all people. Instead, spend time with the people who like you just the way you are. There is beauty in your vulnerability and imperfection.

 Seek help. There are times when we all need some help in life and it is a sign of strength and courage to seek it out. If you are still stressed out and lack energy after addressing all of the things I mentioned in my earlier blogs, you may need some outside help or guidance. If you have no energy, you may want to see your family doctor. You could have a thyroid imbalance or other health challenge. If you are overwhelmed and can’t seem to deal with the stress, seek the help of a therapist or other professional. If you need help defining your goals, being held accountable and achieving healthy Lifestyle habits, then hire a Lifestyle Coach.

 Life is wonderful and it’s even better when you have the energy to really enjoy it!

 Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach

 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity

  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity, LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

My Number One Anti-Aging Secret

Written by Tonya Sheridan

This weekend I will be turning 47 years old and I wanted to share with you my thoughts on aging. These are only my beliefs, so accept what may benefit you and disregard those that don’t resonate with you.

Here is my belief about aging and my number one anti-aging secret. My belief is that aging, like everything else in life, is a direct result of our thoughts. Thoughts are powerful and affect every area of our lives. Although everyone ages, no one has ever proven that it’s necessary to completely fall apart as we age. So my thinking has been, “Why do I have to believe what I hear about aging or believe I have to “look” my age?” So much of what we hear is fed to us by the media and advertising. If they didn’t create a fear of aging in us, what would happen to the pharmaceutical companies, the “healthcare system”, the plastic surgeons and cosmetic companies? You bet they had better keep the fear of aging instilled in everyone. I am not saying that there are not beneficial pharmaceuticals, plastic surgery that can make a profound difference in someone’s life or to never use face creams or lotions, but  a fear of aging should not be created to make a profit.

It is my belief that the “fear of aging”, is actually aging people faster. Just as the focus on “fat free foods” and dieting has created an unhealthy, overweight society. What we fear most, we become. How much stress do you feel about aging? How much time and money do you spend “fighting” aging? Do you really want to spend precious time out your life stressed and worried about every line and wrinkle? I used to know a woman who was so afraid of aging that she tried not to smile because smiling created “lines and wrinkles”. If you are afraid of aging, how attractive is that?

I have found several ways to free myself from the news, advertising and other people’s negative beliefs about aging. The main one being that I identify stronger with my spiritual body than with my physical body. I see myself as ageless because I know that my spiritual body is eternal. This also makes me unafraid of getting older because there is a part of me that will never, ever age. If you take your mind to a level of belief that is beyond age, then your physical body will begin to resonate with that same quality. Your body will age but it will age more slowly because your mind tells it to…at the very deepest level of your being. See yourself as free from aging and you will begin to see changes in your physical body.

Have a wonderful week!

Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach

§              Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Energy for Lifestyle & Longevity #5 Health Insurance

Written by Tonya Sheridan

Step five for having more energy in your life is to have Health Insurance. No, I am not talking about the kind of insurance where you pay atrocious amounts of money every month to a company whose main interest is the profits of it’s shareholders and then you have to beg, plea and sometimes have to take legal action to have them pay if you actually become sick. I am talking about building your energy stores so that you have “reserve” on hand for when life becomes hectic. It’s about being proactive.

 When you are so stressed out and depleted or just barely holding it together, it’s much more difficult to handle a crisis when it comes up. Things seem much worse than what they are and then it’s difficult to get a good perspective on the situation. Without a clear view, you can actually make things worse instead of better.

 So, how do you create your own Health Insurance? You have to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We have touched on the physical part in previous weeks with nutrition and exercise, the mental and emotional parts by reducing stress caused by unnecessary worry, procrastination and energy drainers. Although all of these things are important, the most important part of Health Insurance is the spiritual. By using either visualization, meditation, prayer or a combination of the three you will be innoculating yourself with Joy. When you practice these methods on a daily basis you will be astonished at how much joy you will experience from the inner spiritual change that will occur. There is being alive and then there is being spiritually alive, realizing we are a soul housed inside a physical body. Nurturing your spirituality is where the biggest change will occur in your energy, your health and the quality of your Life!

 I was very blessed to have been raised with two very spiritual women in my life who taught me that real happiness comes from inside…my Grandmothers.  One of my grandmothers, who was diagnosed with cancer when she was in her 50’s, lived to be 92yrs old. She was very spiritual and she attributed her recovery to prayer and visualization. She had a positive attitude, inner strength and one of the many life lessons she taught me in life was to focus on spirituality. This is where her strength came from. The last time I saw her, a few months before she passed away, she told me that one of the lessons she lived by was “never make money your God”, that is where people go wrong in their life.

 My other Grandmother makes me smile when I think about her, I still feel her around me to this day. She grew up in poverty, had 9 children and a very hard life, but you would never had known it if you met her. She always had a smile on her face, a great sense of humor and loved to sing and dance around the house. She taught me about Joy and that true Joy came from the spirit.  Generous to a fault, if she had one dollar left and someone needed it, she would give it to them. Up until the day she died, when she was in her 80’s, she had the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen. Unlike some people who lose the light in their eyes as they get older, hers actually got brighter. Even as her body declined, her soul stayed bright.

One more thing to about my Grandmothers…both of them lost children, one of them lost a son and the other two sons…my father and two of my uncles. No parent should have to bury their own children. Despite their loss they carried on with life, and not just going through the motions either, they really Lived. If it were not for their spirituality, they would have lived in depression and suffered physical illness due to the depression.

 Spend time each day for visualization, meditation and prayer. You don’t need a lot of time, even just 15 minutes a day is good. Take this time for yourself every single day and you will receive back a hundred times that in Life energy. Now that’s Health Insurance!

 Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach

 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity


  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity, LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #4 Restore

Written by Tonya Sheridan

 If you have been following my blog for the past three weeks, then you should be more aware of where your energy has been going. Your organization plan is in place, now you need to revitalize and restore with the right foods and exercise.

 To have lasting Lifestyle change, you must change the way you look at what you eat. The food that you consume is fueling your body and feeding every single cell inside your body. Start relating food to energy! Whole unprocessed food is going to give you energy while processed food is going to drain your energy. The reason for this is that processed foods, which contain artificial coloring, preservatives, excess salt and sugar are harder for your body to digest. It takes alot of excess energy for your body to break down these foods and then figure out where to store or dispose of the preservatives and other artificial ingredients. In addition to this, the processed food does not have enough of or the right balance of nutrients to feed your body’s cells. Your cells cannot function at an optimum level without the right fuel, which means your body can’t either.

On the other hand, meals and snacks which are prepared from whole foods are much easier for the body to digest. This means it will take less of your own energy to break the food down and get it to your cells. The right balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in whole foods are the exact nourishment that your cells need and crave. They will fuel your cells and will enable them to function at their optimal level, which benefits your entire body!

Along with the right nutrition, exercise is going to give you more energy. It will bring fresh oxygen to your blood and help flush out toxins from the body. Did you know that certain toxins in the body can only be excreted through the sweat glands? Exercise will also help you sleep better, which is necessary to restore your energy. When you are exercising, endorphins (mood elevators) are released in the body and you will feel better mentally as well as physically.

Exercising does not mean that you have to go to the gym. If you enjoy the gym, that’s great! If not, there are so many different types of exercise classes available now. Try various forms to see what you enjoy doing the most, it can be anything…boot camp, belly dancing, martial arts or boxing class. Just as you must change the way you look at food, you must also change your attitude about exercise. Begin to see it as something you do to nurture and care for yourself.

Prepare at least one new dish this week using fresh produce, whole grains and herbs. Sign up for an exercise class or personal training session or just step outside and take a nice long walk!

 Tonya Sheridan

Lifestyle Coach

 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity, LLC

 * Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and

Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #3 Organization

Written by Tonya Sheridan

 If you read my last two weekly blogs about how to increase your energy level and you implemented the Lifestyle Coaching tips I gave you, Congratulations! You are off to a great start! You have already taken two extremely important steps by not taking on anymore unnecessary responsibilities and you identified your energy leaks! Are you ready for step three?

Now, I know the word ‘organization’ sounds very dull and boring to some of you, but it is a must if you want to have increased energy. Get creative and find ways to take some of these ‘boring’ tasks and make them more enjoyable. When you take time to get organized, you’re going to have more energy, more freedom and more time to do the things that you enjoy. In order to do this, you have to look at every area of your life.

Some people are very organized in certain areas of their life and not in others. This goes back to the procrastination issue we talked about last week. We tend to do the things we enjoy the most and then continue neglecting other areas. For example, your house may be spotless but your paperwork and office area are a disaster. Take your journal or notebook and make three columns, one for the areas of your life where you are organized (one example would be a daily exercise routine), another for areas that are not too bad but could use improvement (ex: desk/office area) and the last column for areas that are totally out of control (ex: nutrition and eating habits). Putting this in writing is very important, because the areas that need the most attention are the ones that are zapping the most amount of your energy…whether you realize it or not.

Now that you have completed your columns, begin with the last column and choose the area of your life that is the most unorganized and out of control. Start this week to immediately address that area. If you have to, break it down into baby steps. You may want to ask a good friend or family member for assistance or hire a professional if you can. Whether it’s having your home sparkling clean and closets organized or getting your finances in order by setting up a budget and working with a financial advisor, you are going to feel so much relief that you won’t realize how much it weighed on you until after it’s completed.

Once you have tackled the most difficult area, go to the next area that needs the most organization and so on. It will begin to get easier and easier because you addressed the most challenging areas first. You are going to feel such a sense of relief and will have renewed energy!

Don’t proscrastinate! Go get your journal or notebook and start today!

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

  • Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle & Longevity LLC
  • Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle &  Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #2 Identify Your Energy Zappers

Written by Tonya Sheridan

In my last blog I talked about the first step in reducing your stress. Now that you have (hopefully) not taken on any new commitments this week or only those that were absolutely inevitable, it is time to identify the energy zappers in your life. I am going to name some of the major ones and although I can’t name them all, when you do the Lifestyle Coaching exercises below, you may begin to identify more of your own.

Energy Zapper number one – “energy vampires”.  These are people who zap your energy, leaving you feeling completely drained. There are actually many different types of “energy vampires” and sometimes it is more subtle.  Just a few examples would be “Negative Nelly or Ned” who never has anything good to say about life or other people or “Fair-weather Friends” who only call or want to see you when they have problems, dump on you and then disappear.

I am going to give you a very simple, yet effective, Lifestyle Coaching tip that will help you identify the different types of energy vampires and learn how to protect yourself. Do this exercise for one month, and you will be amazed at what you discover about yourself and others. Let’s say you are going to meet someone for coffee or lunch. First jot down in your notebook how you felt before you arrived, you can also do this exercise with phone calls. Pay attention to how you feel when you are with this person or talking to them on the phone? Do you feel tired, dragged down or completely drained? Or, does time slip away and you fail to realize what time it is because you were smiling, laughing and having fun? Make a note of how your energy level was after being with this person.  It is one thing to have a friend or relative who you can share your ups and downs with, but another when it is always one-sided. Although you cannot always avoid “energy vampires”, try limiting time with them and spending more time with “Energy boosters”.

Energy Zapper number two – procrastination. Although you may continue to put off something you don’t really want to do, it is always there in the back of your mind and will drain you of your energy. By constantly avoiding what you don’t want to get done, you are not only causing yourself stress but adding more stress to your life as items will continue to become piled on top of an already incomplete “to do list”. The best way to deal with this is to make a list in your notebook of the main items you have been procrastinating about, in order of importance, and do them. Start at the top, number one being the most important, and continue down the list one by one without skipping around. It may be difficult to get started, but once you do you will begin to feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders and you will feel a great sense of accomplishment as well when you cross each item off of your list.

Energy Zapper number three – worrying. Worrying not only increases your stress, it also affects your immune system, your metabolism, your quality of sleep and much more. In your notebook, write down exactly what it is that you are worried about. Now write down what, if anything, you can do about the situation. This will help you get a fresh perspective on the situation. If there isn’t anything that you can do, worry will not only not help the situation but it will make it much worse because you will become emotionally and energetically drained. If there is something you can do about the situation, do what you can, and then let it go.

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach!/fbTonyaSheridanLL

Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

  • Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Energy for Lifestyle and Longevity #1 Stop the Leaks

Written by Tonya Sheridan

This is the first in a series of six blogs that address the issue of your energy level, how to maintain it and how to increase it. How alive you feel, how clearly you think, your decision making ability, your health and the passion to go for your dreams, all depends on your energy level. If you are just going through the motions and find it hard to just get through the day or have reached the point of complete burnout, then following the Lifestyle coaching tips in this series is going to help get you back on your feet so you can start really living!

As I am not able to reach each one of you on a personal level as to pinpoint the specific energy zappers in your life, I am going to be speaking in more general terms. Hopefully you can identify the specific energy zappers that are affecting your life so that you can address each one and move forward. I highly recommend keeping a small journal or notebook as you go through this series. The act of writing or journaling will bring things to your awareness that you may not have thought of before and will help you to keep on the right track. Keep this with you throughout the day, in your briefcase, purse or automobile. You may even want to attach, on the front of the journal/notebook, a picture of something that motivates you or makes you smile.

 In order to reach your optimum energy level, first you must stop the leaks immediately. A tire is not going to inflate if you are pumping air into it and it is leaking out somewhere else. Exercise, sleep and nutrition only go so far if you are not addressing other areas in your life. In my Lifestyle Coaching sessions I work with my clients to identify their specific leaks and then we devise a plan of action to reduce and eliminate those leaks.Sometimes they don’t know where the leaks are, other times clients are aware of them but have so many that they are overwhelmed and do not know where to begin.

 The first step, while you are restoring and gaining your energy back, is to not take on any new commitments or responsibilities that you can avoid. You are not going to be able to evade all new commitments as you have to live in the real world, but if you are used to saying ‘yes’ instead of  ‘no’ to non-essential things that can be handled by someone else or because you feel pressured or guilty, you have to change this debilitating habit. If you really want to LIVE, this step is necessary. For some people this step can be difficult. Practice saying ‘no’ in front of a mirror if you have to.  If you often feel caught on the spot and feel pressure to explain, then have responses ready and memorized, such as “I would like to, but I am not able to take on any new commitments at this time.” If it is something you would like to do, ask the person if you can do it at a later date instead. Now think of some responses to different situations and write them in your notebook. When you stand up for yourself and say ‘no’ to new commitments and responsibilities, make a note of it in your notebook. Pat yourself on the back for standing up for yourself!

 Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach


Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity, LLC!/fbTonyaSheridanLL

  •  Copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Wisdom Versus Knowledge

Written by Tonya Sheridan

Over the years I have studied many different types of natural healing methods and tried different ways of eating… Raw Foods, Juice fasts, Vegan, Vegetarian, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Mediterranean style eating, etc. . What I have learned from my experience is to listen to my body, use my own wisdom, trust my own instincts  and take the best from everything. It’s important to strive for balance, your main focus in life should not be about what you eat. Although I gained alot of knowledge, I was very turned off by the extremists who would only eat a certain way and actually knew some people who went as far as to say they would not associate with non-Raw foodists or non-vegetarians (including their own family sometimes!).

There is knowledge and then there is wisdom, YOUR WISDOM. Trust your own instincts, remember that no matter how much of an “expert” someone is in their field, no one is a better expert on what is right for you than you are. Trust your own instincts, listen to your body and beware of those who try to pressure you into eating, dieting, exercising or living your life their way or “experts” in the healing field who try to make you dependent on their services. You do not have to eat or drink their man made product that costs $50 a jar or bottle to be healthy, that’s what nature created fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains for! You do not need to pay $5 a bottle for oxygenated water…the last I knew oxygen is free.  A true healer and professional will guide you to be independent and not dependent. They will share their knowledge with you, guide you and teach you what they know so that you may live the beautiful life that you deserve.

copyright 2011Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

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Feed Your Soul

Written by Tonya Sheridan

What are you feeding your soul? Although important, health is not just about exercising and what you eat. What makes you truly happy? Have you ever stopped to think what things in life bring you joy? Often, we get so caught up in other people’s desires for us, we forget what makes us happy.

Take some quiet time this week to sit down and write down all of the things that make you feel truly happy and energized. Think back to when your were young, what was fun and what made you laugh? When you are happy you digest your food better, your hormones balance out and your immune system is strengthened. 

Do the things that make you happy and refuse what doesn’t suit you… whether it’s the latest “fashion” trend, an event or party you don’t want to attend, the latest movie “everyone” has got to see…if you don’t want to wear it, attend it or see it…DON’T and you do not have to give excuses! Seriously think about how much time you spend doing things you really don’t enjoy just because you think you should or you feel pressured by others. When you do things out of joy, you will be feeding your soul.

If you are unable to figure out what makes you happy anymore and/or you are not able to say no to others, you would benefit from the guidance of a Lifestyle Coach. You only have one life, make it count!

copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle Coach

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Loneliness vs Solitude

Written by Tonya Sheridan

Your private time is sacred, it’s important to learn to love your own company. There is a difference between loneliness and solitude. Lonely means to feel deserted or isolated, while solitude is something you choose. Although we all live differently, everyone needs time for relaxation and self-reflection. In order to live an authentic life there has to be a balance between time spent in society and time spent alone in calmness and quiet. Some people base their self-worth on how many times they go out or how many social activities and events they attend. Staying constantly “busy” and in the company of others will end up leaving you feeling completely frazzled and you will not get in touch with who you really are and what it is you want in life.

It’s fun to be in the company of good friends, attend a great party and  meet new people but in addition to that you need solitude. It’s also nice when you can enjoy solitude while in the company of someone close to you. You can enjoy the quiet space between you while you are both reading, gardening or doing some other relaxing activity.

copyright 2011 Tonya Sheridan Lifestyle and Longevity LLC

Tonya Sheridan, Lifestyle Coach

visit my website

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